Testimony & Docket Support
We help clients prepare documents for docket inclusion by formulating discovery requests and responding to requests. We develop testimony based on economic and statistical analyses, critique opposing testimony and prepare cross-examination exhibits. We help clients prepare case briefs, present oral testimony and participate in hearings. We have presented testimony before regulatory commissions on rate design, plant construction, least-cost planning, demand side management, gas cost recovery mechanisms and environmental compliance issues.
Comment Support
We help clients with the compilation, categorization and organization of public and other comments. We analyze, respond to, incorporate comments and update reports. We have responded to comments and updated economic and regulatory impact reports in the past.
On-site & Off-Site Training
We provide training on Utility Invoice Analysis, Cost Avoidance Strategies and Energy Auditing to Energy Managers, Facility Managers and other facility personnel. We provide training through on-site and off-site courses and through webinars.
Customer Green Education Strategies
We help entities develop education strategies for customers. The objective of these programs is to increase awareness of new green initiatives undertaken by an entity and to promote the entity's green image. We trained the managers of an international utility on customer education strategies.
Organizational Engagement Plan
We help agencies with internal training strategies for management and personnel. The purpose of these strategies is to train personnel for implementation of new sustainability policies and procedures. We have lectured the management of an international utility on these issues and provided training to a federal agency on sustainability policy, communication and financing topics.
Collaborative Processes & Rulemaking
We direct and participate in collaborative processes for the approval of sustainability and resource plans. We have participated in stakeholder processes to develop sustainability plans at the local level and collaborative efforts to prepare resource planning guidelines for a Midwestern state.